A good king can bestow honours to reward loyalty and duty. - Duncan: O VALIANT COUSIN, WORTHY GENTLEMEN! , The kings job was to keep law and order. Duncan was a good king. There was no need for Macbeth to kill Duncan. - Macbeth: I AM HIS KINSMAN AND HIS SUBJECT, STRONG BOTH AGAINST THE DEED; THEN, AS HIS HOST, WHO SHOULD AGAINST HIS MURDERER SHUT THE DOOR, NOT BEAR THE KNIFE MYSELF, Shows Macbeth becoming king is not for the good of Scotland. - Macbeth: HIS VIRTUES WILL PLEAD LIKE ANGELS, TRUMPET-TONGUED, AGAINST THE DEEP DAMNATION OF HIS TAKING-OFF, Regicide was the worst crime in Shakespearean era. The king was meant to be appointed by God himself. - Macduff: O HORROR, HORROR, HORROR! TONGUE NOR HEART CANNOT CONCIEVE NOR NAME THEE! , Malcolm shows good kingship here by testing Macduff. He will be a better king and more wary than his father. - Malcolm: BLACK MACBETH WILL SEEM AS PURE AS SNOW, AND THE POOR STATE ESTEEM HIM AS A LAMB, BEING COMPARED WITH MY CONFINELESS HARMS, Shows the power and damage a bad king can do. - Macduff: ALL MY PRETTY ONES? DID YOU SAY ALL? O HELL-KITE! ALL? WHAT, ALL MY PRETTY CHICKENS AND THEIR,

Theme of Kingship in Macbeth

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