They will never find out unless she doesn’t get rid of the evidence. - Mary Malloney, Unless she’s free from him, she won’t ever feel alive. - Louis Mallard, Unless she dies, he won’t be allowed to read them. - Angela, If you feel compassion for the other person, you’ll offer them your help. - Sissy Miller, She will be able to deceive everyone if she rehearses over and over. - Louis Mallard, If her husband dies, she will be free forever. - Louis Mallard, If he leaves his pregnant wife, she will definitely kill him. - Mary Malloney, Unless she gives her the news, she won’t be able to handle it.  - Josephine-Louise’s sister, He will commit suicide if she doesn’t run away with him. - Angela, You’ll never tell your friend’s secrets if you’re trustworthy. - Sissy Miller, If she is a good pretender, nobody will ever suspect of her. - Mary Malloney, Everything will look perfect if she does her job well - Minnie (Angela's maid), She won't feel anxious unless she knows he's about to arrive. - Mary Malloney, If you feel trapped in a marriage, you will wish to be free. - Louise Mallard, You won't find your way out of a predicament nless you're cold-hearted, - Mary Malloney.,

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