1) Where are you from? Tell 3 other nationality. 2) What day is it today? When where you born? What day the school will end? 3) What time is it? Tell the following hours: 12:00, 11:45, 6:35 4) What is your favourite sport? Tell 10 others. 5) Today I am... Yesterday I was... 6) Have you got any brothers or sisters? Tell 5 more relatives in English! 7) Do you have a pet? What is its name? Tell 5 more animals. 8) You are at a race: at the end you will arrive... 9) What time do you go to bed? What time do you get up? 10) What time do you have breakfast? What do you eat usually? 11) What are you wearing now? What is ___________ wearing? 12) What have you got for break? Name 5 foods that you like and 5 that you don't like. 13) How do you go to school? Name 3 different means of transport. 14) Mime and say 3 actions that you can do in class and 3 that you can't do. 15) What's your favourite subject? Say 5 more... and tell what you don't like! 16) Have you got blond hair? Describe yourself. 17) Tell 5 actions of your daily routine. 18) Do you like pizza? Ask 3 of your classmates and get answers. 19) Where you can find Buckingham Palace? Name 3 different cities in the UK (and Ireland). 20) Name the lessons you have on Monday. No cheating! 21) Name the 12 months of the year. 22) Name the 7 days of the week. 23) Where you can find Central Park? Name 3 different cities in the USA. 24) How many hours of English do you have every week? How many hours in total? 25) Have you got History once or twice a week? Name 2 subjects that you have often. 26) Sunday: no school! Take another turn! 27) Good mark! Take another turn! 28) Bad mark! Miss one turn! 29) You feel ill. Miss one turn. 30) What's the weather like today? What was the weather yesterday? 31) How are you? How do you feel? Say 5 other feelings. 32) You don't like to tank in front of many people. Go back 1 box. 33) You helped someone. Go forward 1 box. 34) Where were you born? Where was your mum born? 35) You don't feel well. What's the matter? Tell 5 health problems. 36) Describe your best friend. 37) What do you want to be when you grow up? Name 5 other jobs. 38) Name the younger boy and the oldest girl in the class. 39) Name someone who is taller than you and someone who is shorter. Make sentences! 40) Name 5 places that you can find in town (shops or others). 41) Sing a song. In English please! 42) Dance to show how good you are! 43) Tongue twister! Repeat after me! She sells seashells by the seashore. 44) Tongue twister! Repeat after me! I scream, you scream, we all scream for ice cream.' 45) Tongue twister! Repeat after me! If two witches were watching two watches, which witch would watch which watch? 46) Tongue twister! Repeat after me! How much wood would a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood? 47) Tongue twister! Repeat after me! If you want to buy, buy, if you don't want to buy, bye bye! 48) Tongue twister! Repeat after me! Kitty caught the kitten in the kitchen. 49) Ask a friend a question and get his/her answer. 50) Tell 5 things that you like and 2 that you don't like.

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