differentiated marketing - strategy used by brands to appeal to multiple segments with unique offers, undifferentiated marketing - when a company targets the entire consumer market with a single product/service, segmentation strategy - dividing a broad target market to subsets of consumers who have common needs , product positioning - strategic exercise that defines where your product or service fits in the marketplace and why, industrial marketing (B2B marketing) - marketing products to other companies, augmented product - produkt wzbogacony o np. gwarancję, clone - klon innego produktu, high technology - najnowocześniejsza technika, consumer durables - products that are expected to have a longer life, e.g. cars, fridges, etc., core product - produkt podstawowy (woda do picia), fast-moving consumer goods (FMCG) - products that are sold quickly and at a relatively low cost, generic product - energia, gaz, prąd, woda, perishables - artykuły nietrwałe, sell-by date - recommended date by which a product should be sold, cannibalism/cannibalisation - sytuacja, w której jeden z produktów danej firmy dobrze się sprzedaje kosztem drugiego, product life cycle - the process of the product from 1st introduction to the market till it declines or is removed from the market, product management - zarządzanie produktem, product portfolio - the collection of all the products offered by a company, return (n.) - zysk, dochód, conventional marketing system (CMS) - a marketing system in which the main members of a distribution channel – producer, wholesaler, and retailer – are separate businesses that are all trying to maximize their profits,

Marketing 10

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