1) Asish is teaching English at the university. a) English is taught a the university b) English is being taught at the university c) English is teaching 2) They are making a movie about me a) A movie about me is being made b) A movie about me is made c) A movie about me will make 3) Robots are serving food here! a) Robots are serving food b) Food is serving by Robots c) Food is being served by robots here 4) The police are interrogating him right now a) He is being interrogated right now b) He is interrogated by the police c) He is interrogating the police 5) Everybody is watching the final match a) The final match is watched by everybody b) The final match is watching c) The final match is boing watched by everybody 6) Who is helping you with your project? a) Whom are you being helped by in this project? b) Who is helping you? c) Whom are you helping with the project? 7) Ron is not training the kids a) The kids are not training b) The kids are not trained by Ron c) The kids are not being trained (by Ron)  8) Are they playing cricket right now? a) Is cricket played ? b) Is cricket being played by them right now? c) Is cricket played by them right now? 9) They are taking interviews for differenet posts a) Interviews for different posts are boing taken (by them) b) Interviews for different posts are taken (by them) c) Interviews are taken

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