1) Can I ....an appointment with Dr Johnson for this week? a) make b) do 2) Michael, can you please ....me a favor? I need to borrow your car. a) make b) do 3) We don't know what went wrong, but we are ....some enquiries. a) making b) doing 4) He said I wasn't working hard enough and that I would need to ....an effort. a) make b) do 5) The storm ....a lot of damage to the warehouse. a) made b) did 6) We are ....repairs to the damaged warehouse. a) making b) doing 7) We are certainly ....progress in this area, a) making b) doing 8) Argentinian president Javier Milei is certainly .....headlines all over the world. (2024) a) making b) doing 9) We ....a lot of business with Japan ... a) make b) do 10) ...and since the profit margin is high, we are .............high profits. a) making b) doing

B2 onwards VOCABULARY Collocations MAKE and DO

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