Wonder - To feel curiosity or doubt about something., Huge - Very large., Expensive - Costing a lot of money., Public - Relating to all the people in a community., Allow - To let someone do something., Immediate - Happening right away., Successful - Achieving a desired goal or result., Competition - A situation in which people or organizations compete with each other., Popular - Liked or enjoyed by many people., Company - A business organization., Release - To make a product available to the public., Iconic - Widely recognized and well-established., Storyline - The plot or story of a book, play, movie, etc., Decline - To become less in amount, importance, quality, or strength., Spread - To extend over a larger area., Cultural - Relating to the ideas, customs, and social behaviors of a society., Influence - To have an effect on something or someone., Interface - A device or software that allows communication between a user and a computer., Cathoderay tube - An old technology used in traditional TV and computer monitors to display images., Patent - An official document giving someone the right to make or sell a new invention.,

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