1) He usually ______ his teeth in the morning. a) brushes b) is brishing 2) Jack always _______ soup for lunch. a) eats b) is eating 3) I _______ my homework at the moment. a) do b) am doing 4) My mum _______ to the supermarket every Sunday. a) is going b) goes 5) We ________ in the pool every week. a) are swimming b) swim 6) They ________ in the pool now. a) swim b) are swimming 7) It ____________ at the moment. a) is raining b) rains 8) ________ eat apples every day? a) Does she b) Is she 9) My dog ______ every Tuesday. a) goes b) is going 10) The cats ______ tennis at the moment. a) are playing b) play

Present Simple or Present Continuous?

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