: Do you know your neighbors well? If yes, what do you know about them? If no, why don't you know them well?,  Have you ever had a disagreement or fought with a neighbor? If yes, please explain.,  Have you ever invited your neighbors for dinner? Why/not?,  Do you know any gossip about your neighbors? If yes, what is it?,  Where do you live? What kind of place is it?,  What's your hometown like? Please explain.,  What's your country like? Please explain.,  Which is better, the city or the country? Why do you think so?,  If you could live anywhere in the world in the future, where would you want to live? Why?,  Let's add to the last question. How would your answer change if you could own a second home in another country? In other words, you could live anywhere in the world for part of the year, such as the summer or the winter. Please explain.,  Quickly give your partner three adjectives about your neighborhood. Why did you choose these three adjectives?,  Quickly give your partner three adjectives about your house or apartment. Why did you choose these three adjectives?,  Which would you prefer, a small house or a big apartment? Why?,  Does your hometown or neighborhood have any special festivals or events during the year? If yes, what are they?,  Would you like to live someplace posh, like Beverly Hills? Why/not?,  Would you consider living in an RV or caravan, then use it to travel around the country? Why/not?,  Where is one place that you would never want to live? Why wouldn't you want to live there? Please explain.,  You plan to paint your house one color. What color would you paint it, apart from white? Why did you choose this color? What does it say about your personality?,  What do you like about your neighborhood? What do you hate about it? Please explain.,

WHERE DO YOU LIVE? (Conv - home)

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