certainty: She’s bound to have prepared carefully, It’s guaranteed to save you money., The economy is undoubtedly in trouble., It’s a given that they will get the contract., The decision will inevitably lead to tensions., probability/possibility: In all probability, the car will be ready by midday., There’s a strong likelihood that it will rain before the weekend., It is expected/highly likely that she’ll study law at university., The odds are that our teacher will be leaving in a few months., There’s a chance that we’ll miss the meeting., improbability: It’s highly unlikely that we’ll get any news before tomorrow., necessity: It’s (absolutely) crucial/vital/essential that no one speaks to the media., This needs to be discussed further., obligation: We’re expected to do two hours’ homework., It’s obviously (my) responsibility to welcome new trainees., A requirement is that new staff have a university degree., ability: Do you think he’s capable of managing a team?, He has an aptitude for painting and drawing.,

Speakout C1 Modal verbs and phrases

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