What is aerobic respiration? - Aerobic respiration is the breakdown of glucose in the presence of oxygen to release a large amount of energy. Carbon dioxide and water are produced as waste products., What is anaerobic respiration? - Anaerobic respiration is the breakdown of glucose in the absence of oxygen to release a small amount of energy. In muscles, lactic acid is produced as a waste product., What is oxygen debt? - Oxygen debt is the amount of oxygen needed to remove lactic acid formed from anaerobic respiration., What is gaseous exchange? - Gaseous exchange is the exchange of gases, specifically oxygen and carbon dioxide, between an organism and the environment., What is the role of haemoglobin in oxygen transport? - Haemoglobin binds reversibly with oxygen. Hb binds to oxygen in the lungs and releases oxygen in respiring tissues., What is chronic bronchitis? - Chronic bronchitis is the inflammation of the airway that leads to persistent coughing., What is emphysema? - Emphysema is the breakdown of alveolar walls due to persistent coughing., What is the function of ciliated cells along the trachea? - Has cilia lining the cell surface that sweeps mucus containing trapped particles., What is the function of gland cells along the trachea? - Produces mucus that traps particles that entered the airway., What is cancer? - Cancer is the uncontrolled division of cells that produces outgrowths or lumps of tissues.,

Respiration in Humans - Flash cards

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