If you could spend your birthday with one person, who would it be and why?, If you could be any other age than what you are right now, what would it be?, Would you rather be able to fly or be invisible? Why?, If you were to compare yourself to a fruit, what fruit would you be?, If you could shrink any animal down to the size of your finger, what would it be?, If you were going to have a video go viral, what would you want it to be about?, What is one thing you are grateful for right now?, You have been given unlimited funds to design your own home, what is one room or feature you are definitely including?, Do you wish you could hear what other people are thinking? Why or why not?, What is one boring fact about you?, Imagine you have an Uber waiting outside right now and it will drive you anywhere within a three hour radius. Where would you go?, You have a roundtrip plane ticket to travel anywhere in the world. Where are you going?.

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