1) She avoided ______________ (tell) him about her plans. a) to tell b) telling c) tell 2) I would like ______________ (come) to the party with you. a) to come b) coming c) come 3) She went on______________ (talk) during the film. a) to talk b) talking c) talk 4) She helped me ______________ (carry) my suitcases. a) to carry b) carrying c) carry 5) I promise ______________ (help) you tomorrow. a) to help b) helping c) help 6) She agreed ______________ (bring) the pudding. a) to bring b) bringing c) bring 7) I don’t recommend ______________ (take) the bus, it takes forever! a) to take b) taking c) take 8) We hope ______________ (visit) Amsterdam next month. a) to visit b) visiting c) visit 9) She suggested ______________ (go) to the museum. a) to go b) going c) go 10) I’d hate ______________ (arrive) too late a) to arrive b) arriving c) arrive 11) She admitted ______________ (steal) the money. a) to steal b) stealing c) steal 12) Finally I managed ______________ (finish) the work. a) to finish b) finishing c) finish 13) Unfortunately, we can’t afford ______________ (buy) a new car this year. a) to buy b) buying c) buy 14) I pretended _________________ (be) sick so I didn’t have to go to work. a) to be b) being c) be 15) He denies _________________ (steal) the money. a) to steal b) stealing c) steal 16) Would you let her _________ (come) with us? a) to come b) coming c) come

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