1) I ..... at the office. a) is work  b) work c) don't work d) works 2) They ..... ....... cigarettes. (NOT) a) smokes b) smoke c) doesn't smoke d) don't smoke 3) I .... .... meat. (NOT) a) doesn't eat b) don't eat c) eat d) does eat 4) We ..... to the radio. a) live b) listen c) drink d) listens 5) Alice and Mark .... ..... in London. (NOT) a) isn't living b) doesn't live c) don't live d) lives 6) You ..... to the cinema at weekends. a) go b) play c) goes d) plays 7) We ________ in a school.  a) doesn't work b) work c) don't work d) works 8) _________ you _________ in Mexico City? a) Are / live b) Do / live c) Is / live d) Don't / live 9) I _________ a brother and a sister. a) am have b) do have c) have d) is have 10) They __________ with their parents (NOT) a) not live b) isn't live c) don't live d) aren't live

Present Simple Affirmative and Negative

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