1.While hiking up the mountain, she slipped and ____. 2.During their road trip, they went along the ____, stopping at several beaches. 3.He was so caught up in sightseeing that he missed his ____ with the tour guide. 4.The bus was delayed, so we were ____ for 5 minutes for our reservation. 5.They decided to go along the ____ to enjoy the scenic views of the river. 6.We had to cross the ____ between Spain and Portugal during our travels. 7.After the long journey, he ____ from exhaustion. 8.We had a ____ in Paris before catching our flight to Rome. 9.She quickly ____ a train to London to avoid being late for her meeting. 10.At the last stop, everyone ____ the train to stretch their legs. 1.They had to ____ after a severe allergic reaction to the seafood. 2.Feeling sick, she decided to ____ before the boat ride. 3.After a long day at the beach without sunscreen, they realized they ____. 4.During their vacation, they were shocked to find ____ in the room of their hotel. 5.She felt her stomach turning and ____ coming on after trying the exotic street food. 6.Their trip took a turn for the worse when the wallet ____ during a crowded market visit. 7.They had to ____ to get a temporary passport after losing the original one. 1.A ____ in the bathroom kept them awake all night with its constant dripping. 2.Unfortunately, they ____ during a layover and had to wait several days to get it back. 3.On a narrow trail, he ____ in his foot from stepping on a sharp object. 4.She was in a hurry and ____ at the hotel, nearly missing her tour. 5.After a rough night out, they ____ by a gang of teenagers in the street and had to give away all their money. 6.The restaurant ____, with unfriendly staff and cold food. 6.He ____ because he overslept and arrived late at the airport.

Problems while travelling (additional)

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