1) How ... milk do we need ? a) many b) much c) a lot of d) any 2) Would you like ... biscuit ? a) a b) some c) many d) any 3) Have we got ... apples ? - Yes, we've got ... a) many, some b) any, any c) some, a lot of d) any, some 4) How ... is the book ? a) many b) any c) much d) a lot of 5) There are ... bananas in the fridge. We don't have to buy more. a) a lot of b) some c) any d) much 6) Could you give me ... salt, please ? a) a b) any c) some d) much 7) How ... sweets did you buy ? a) much b) many c) a lot of d) some 8) There is ... juice on the table a) any b) many c) a d) some 9) There isn't ... table in the kitchen a) any b) some c) a d) a lot of 10) Are there ... tomatoes in the soup? a) much b) many c) a lot of d) some 11) Do we need ... sauce for this salad ? a) any b) a c) many d) some 12) I'm very sociable. I've got ... friends. a) some b) any c) much d) lots of

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