1) ... players are in a handball team? a) How many b) How much 2) ... pocket money do you get every week? a) How many b) How much 3) ... time is left? a) How many b) How much 4) ... sisters does Irene have? a) How many b) How much 5) ... apples are in your fridge? a) How many b) How much 6) ... juice is in your fridge? a) How many b) How much 7) ... players are in a football team? a) How many b) How much 8) ... milk did you have for breakfast? a) How many b) How much 9) ... bikes have you got? a) How many b) How much 10) ... coffee do your parents drink? a) How many b) How much 11) ... lemons are in your fridge? a) How many b) How much 12) ... brothers does Marilia have? a) How many b) How much 13) ... sugar is in your cupboard? a) How many b) How much 14) ... people live in your house? a) How many b) How much 15) ... bread is in your kitchen? a) How many b) How much 16) ... cheese is in your fridge? a) How many b) How much 17) ... players are in a volleyball team? a) How many b) How much 18) ... salad did you eat today? a) How many b) How much

How much / How many- 3rd Grade

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