1) L7: "아뇨, 그렇지 않아요."영어로. a) Yes, I am. b) No, it isn't. c) No, I'm not. d) Yes, I do. 2) L7: "네, 그렇습니다."영어로. a) Yes, it is. b) Yes, I am. c) Yes, I do. d) No, I don't. 3) L7: "이것은 너의 거울이니?"영어로. a) Is that your hat? b) Is that your flag? c) Is this your mirror? d) Is that your umbrella? 4) L7: "저것은 너의 자전거이니?"영어로. a) Is that your bike? b) Is this your watch? c) Is this your umbrella? d) Is that your flag? 5) L7: Answer, "Is this your bike?" a) No, it isn't. My hat is blue. b) No, it isn't. My bike is yellow. c) No, it isn't. My watch is small. d) Yes, it is. 6) L7: Answer, "Is that your flag?" a) Yes, it is. b) No, it isn't. My bag is small. c) No, it isn't. My bat is black. d) No, it isn't. My flag is big. 7) L7: Answer, "Is that your umbrella?" a) No, it isn't. My umbrella is blue. b) No, it isn't. My watch is red. c) Yes, it is. d) No, it isn't. My flag is small. 8) L8: "너의 직업은 뭐니?"영어로. a) What are you doing? b) What does he do? c) What do you do? d) What does she do? 9) L8: "그녀는 직업은 뭐니?"영어로. a) What does she do? b) What do you do? c) What are you doing? d) Is this your watch? 10) L8: Answer, "What do you do?" a) I'm a pilot. b) I'm a farmer. c) He's a cook. d) She's a singer. 11) L8: Answer, "What does he do?" a) I'm a police officer. b) She's a firefighter. c) She's a teacher. d) He's a scientist. 12) L8: Answer, "What does she do?" a) He's a farmer. b) I'm a singer. c) She's a doctor. d) I'm a cook. 13) L8: Answer, "What do you do?" a) I'm a singer. b) He's a pilot. c) She's a cook. d) I'm a firefighter. 14) L8: Answer, "What does she do?" a) He's a doctor. b) She's a firefighter. c) He's a cook. d) I'm a teacher. 15) L9: "뭐하고 있는 중이니?"영어로. a) What is he doing? b) What does she do? c) What are you doing? d) What is she doing? 16) L9: "잠을 자해고 있는 중이야."영어로. a) I'm cleaning the house. b) I'm dancing. c) She's singing. d) I'm sleeping. 17) L9: Answer, "What is she doing?" a) She's sleeping. b) He's cleaning the house. c) She's singing. d) He's cooking. 18) L9: Answer, "What is he doing?" a) He's cooking. b) I'm washing dishes. c) She's dancing. d) He's sleeping. 19) L9: Answer, "What are you doing?" a) He's dancing. b) She's cooking. c) I'm making cookies. d) I'm watching TV. 20) L9: Answer, "What is he doing?" a) He's sleeping. b) She's making a doll. c) He's cooking. d) I'm sleeping. 21) L9: Answer, "What is she doing?" a) He's washing the dishes. b) She's cleaning the house. c) I'm making a doll. d) She's dancing.

G4-L7, 8, 9


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