1) How do we call all the actors who play in the film? a) play b) trailer c) cast d) special effects 2) Actors... a role. a) director b) play c) cast d) special effects 3) How do we call all the music and songs in the film? a) trailer b) soundtrack c) on d) set 4) How do we call the person who directs the actors (helps them with how they say their lines, where they stand? a) set b) set in c) plot d) director 5) A film is... in a particular place or city. a) play b) set c) review d) cast 6) It was filmed __ location in Paris. a) filmed in b) on c) director d) soundtrack 7) How do we call an unusual piece of action in a film, created by using particular equipment? a) special effects b) filmed in c) set d) review 8) How do we call a short introduction to a film, consisting of short parts taken from it ? a) review b) filmed in c) set d) trailer 9) How do we call the story of a book, film, play? a) soundtrack b) set in c) special effects d) plot 10) What should you read if you want to see what film critics think of the film? a) set b) trailer c) plot d) review 11) used to talk about the place in the story a) set b) review c) set in d) soundtrack 12) the place where something was shot a) filmed in b) plot c) on d) trailer


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