1) Who was William Shakespeare? a) Musician and painter b) Actor and playwright c) Painter and poet d) Teacher and musician e) Historian and actor 2) How many years after his death were the plays first published? a) 3 years b) 5 years c) 7 years d) 11 years e) 14 years 3) What are his three most famous plays? a) Romeo and Juliet, Hamlet, Measure for Measure b) Hamlet, Othello, Much Ado About Nothing c) Macbeth, Julius Caesar, Hamlet d) Hamlet, The Tempest, Troilus and Cressida e) King Lear, Twelfth Night, Cymbeline 4) Which William Shakespeare’s play is the longest? a) Macbeth b) Romeo and Juliet c) The Merchant of Venice d) The Winter’s Tale e) Hamlet 5) What kind of story is “Hamlet”? a) A funny story b) A love story c) A story of revenge d) A scary story e) An adventure story 6) Whose ghost is in “Hamlet”? a) Hamlet’s father b) Hamlet’s friend c) Hamlet’s lover d) Hamlet’s mother e) Hamlet’s uncle 7) What is the main storyline of “Hamlet”? a) Falling in love with Ophelia b) Fighting with enemies c) Gertrude’s marriage d) Avenging father’s death e) Getting ready to fight in the ring 8) What does Hamlet do wrong? a) Murders Ophelia's father Polonius, which causes Ophelia to kill herself b) Doesn’t kill his mother for betraying father c) He doesn’t take the crown d) He couldn’t kill his father’s killer e) He chooses to kill himself instead of fighting for what’s right 9) How does Hamlet die? a) He kills himself with a blade b) He dies by drinking poisoned wine c) He gets wounded by a poisoned blade d) He gets stabbed in the heart by Laertes e) He is killed by Claudius 10) Why is “Hamlet” important today? a) Hamlet’s struggles inspire the community to recognize their strengths and deal with challenges b) Hamlet gives motivation for doing daily work c) Hamlet teaches the art of revenge, inspires to fight for what is important d) Hamlet shows things you shouldn’t do e) Hamlet is one of the oldest plays and it shouldn’t be forgotten 11) Who was Oscar Wilde? a) Professor and author b) Musician and singer c) Playwright and painter d) Poet and playwright e) Soldier and poet 12) How did Oscar Wilde become famous? a) Because of his devotion to the Aesthetic movement b) Because of his family legacy c) Because of having a lot of scholarships d) Because of being privileged and known e) Because he met one of the most famous authors and got help 13) What is Oscar Wilde mostly known for? a) Because of writing the most famous plays b) Because of the massive movements c) Because of him being homosexual and sent to prison d) Because he went to three universities and one of them was Oxford e) Because of The Picture of Dorian Gray 14) Why is "The Picture of Dorian Gray" special? a) It’s the only Wilde’s novel b) It doesn’t have a happy ending c) The author spent 1350 hours writing it  d) Weird things happened to those who read it e) It was the worst work of art 15) What does Dorian want? a) To be rich  b) To stay young  c) To have a big family  d) To be immortal e) To be loved 16) What happens to Dorian over the years? a) He gets older b) He becomes the richest man c) He doesn’t physically change d) He becomes immortal e) He gets even more handsome 17) Why does Dorian kill Basil? a)  Because Basil tells Dorian to change his life b) Because they get into a heated argument  c) Because he threatens him d) Because he wants his money e) Because he can’t give Dorian what he wants 18) For what reason does the sailor follow Dorian? a) The sailor wants to be immortal too b) The sailor wants to express his love c) It is a coincidence d) The sailor wants to steal Dorian's gold e) The sailor wants to kill Dorian 19) How does Dorian die? a) He drinks spoilt immortality drink and gets poisoned b) He stabs the painting and that way kills himself c) He is killed by the people he has wronged d) He hangs himself out of despair e) He gets thrown overboard and drowns 20) What kind of story is "The Picture of Dorian Gray"? a) It’s a psychological story about being a narcissist b) It’s a happy story about love c) It’s a scary story about death d) It’s a brilliant story about moral decadence e) It’s a horror story about art 21) Who was Edgar Allan Poe? a) Editor and musician b) Literary critic and poet c) Poet and soldier d) Solder and painter e) Literary critic and candle maker 22) What was E. Allan Poe known for? a) His short, horror and crime stories b) His long and with deep meaning novels c) His hard work in fighting for serious causes d) His long, comedy stories e) His school opening for poor children 23) When did he write "A Descent into the Maelstrom"? a) 1841 b) 1843 c) 1846 d) 1857 e) 1876 24) What is it about? a) A dangerous journey to another continent b) A magical whirlpool to another dimension c) A violent storm near the coast of Sweden d) A pirate ship’s journey through the whirlpool e) A violent whirlpool near the coast of Norway 25) When does the fisherman’s story begin? a) At that particular moment b) Three months ago c) One year ago d) Three years ago e) Fifteen years ago 26) Why does the fisherman's and his crew boat go towards the whirlpool? a) Because that’s where they want to go b) Because they steer the wheel that way c) Because they get caught and are dragged by the sea monster d) Because the waves and the wind are taking it there e) Because the rain and thunder make bad conditions to see where to go 27) Why does the man tie himself to a barrel? a) To help him float b) To get killed faster c) To reach the other side of the whirlpool faster d) To stay under water e) To stay on the boat 28) How does the fisherman’s brother die? a) He sacrifices his life for the fisherman b) He stays on a heavy boat and sinks together with it c) He gets into a fight with the sea monster d) He commits a suicide e) He gets killed by the lightning 29) Why does no one recognize the fisherman? a) Because he hides under a mask b) Because the stress changed his appearance drastically c) Because no one knows him there d) Because he chooses magic to change his complexion e) Because the lightning injures his face dramatically 30) How can the fisherman's journey be described? a) Terrifying and dangerous b) Fictional and magical c) Happy and adventurous d) Magical, but scary e) Sad and psychological 31) Who was John Steinbeck? a) Painter and novelist b) Author and comedian c) Long story writer and musician d) Poet and painter e) Novelist and short story writer 32) What is the main difference between other authors and John Steinbeck? a) He was the greatest comedian b) He was the first disabled author c) He opened a university d) He was given the Nobel prize e) He wrote the biggest amount of short stories 33) What or who inspired the creation of “The Pearl” written by John Steinbeck? a) People’s greed for riches b) A Mexican folk tale c) The Bible d) John Steinbeck’s own experience e) John Steinbeck friend's story 34) Who stings Kino’s baby? a) A scorpion b) A crab c) A shark d) A mermaid e) A fish 35) Why does the doctor refuse to treat Kino's baby? a) The baby is fine b) Kino is harsh and rude c) He has a lot of other patients d) He has to leave for the capital e) Kino has no money to pay 36) How is the pear found? a) The divers find it in a cave b) Kino finds an oyster while diving c) It mysteriously appears into the family’s home d) It is sold in an auction e) It gets washed out on the beach 37) Why do the hunters follow the family? a) To spread a threat to the family b) To kill the baby  c) To steal the pearl d) To spy on the baby's mother e) To see if the pearl’s well taken care of 38) How does the baby die? a) He is killed by the hunter’s riffle shot b) He doesn’t get enough oxygen c) He gets sacrificed d) He drowns in the waterfall near the cave e) The pearl kills him 39) Why is the pearl thrown back to the sea? a) Because it is the oyster’s treasure b) Because it is worshiped in the sea c) Because it is too big and ugly d) Because it isn’t worth a lot e) Because it attracts bad luck 40) Why was "The Pearl" written? a) To change the way that most people see nature's treasure b) To entertain the reader c) To brainwash people d) To teach how to find pearls e) To make people learn from their mistakes

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