1) Mathilda ______ every morning at 7 a.m. a) awaken b) wake up c) wakes up d) woke 2) The cat ______ all day every day. a) sleep b) sleeps c) slept d) has slept 3) We always __ out in the evening together. a) go b) goes c) going to d) will go 4) They rarely ____ on this subject. a) agrees b) agree c) agreeing d) will agree 5) Lions ____ in Africa. a) lives b) lived c) live d) used to live 6) There ___ giraffes, zebras and monkeys at the local zoo. a) is b) be c) was d) are 7) I __ 25 years old. a) be b) is c) am d) was 8) Donald _____ in a big white house. a) live b) lived c) living d) lives 9) Jose _____ as a carpenter. a) work b) working c) works d) worked 10) Elizabeth ___ her lunch at 12 p.m. everyday. a) eat b) eating c) ate d) eats

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