1) An elephant is __________ than a mouse. a) bigger b) smaller c) more big d) more small 2) A whale is ___________ than a jellyfish. a) more light b) lighter c) more heavy d) heavier 3) A flower is ________ than a stone. a) important b) most interesting c) beautifuler d) more beautiful 4) Is English _________ than Slovak? a) more difficult b) more easy c) difficulter d) more simply 5) A snail is __________ than a rabbit. a) more slow b) slower c) more fast d) faster 6) Is badminton _________ than tennis? a) easier b) easyer c) more easy d) more easier 7) Is football ________ than basketball? a) gooder b) better c) more good d) more better 8) Some people think that the winter is _______ than the summer. a) heavy b) easier c) beautiful d) more beautiful 9) The summer is ________ than the spring. a) hotter b) bigger c) more hot d) more big 10) Lamborgini is _______ than Škoda. a) more light b) more heavy c) more expensive d) more cheap 11) The autumn is _______ than the summer. a) more cold b) colder c) more hot d) hotter 12) Slovakia is ________ than Russia. a) heavier b) easier c) bigger d) smaller 13) The USA is _________ than the United Kingdom. a) more big b) bigger c) more small d) smaller 14) A crocodile is ________ than the sheep. a) nicer b) more nice c) dangerous d) more dangerous 15) Obelix is _______ than Asterix. a) fatter b) slimmer c) lighter d) smaller 16) Pizza is ________ than the broccoli. a) tasty b) delicious c) more delicious d) more better 17) The weather yesterday was ________ than the weather today. Today the sun is shining. a) cool b) better c) hotter d) worse 18) The cars are ________ than the bicycles. a) faster b) slower c) big d) more delicious 19) Asia is ________ than Australia. a) more difficult b) easier c) big d) larger 20) My brother is not as _________ as me. a) tall b) taller c) smaller d) bigger 21) Paul isn't as _________ as Mike. a) older b) younger c) young d) stronger 22) Your English is as ________ as mine. a) good b) better c) worse d) more 23) Portugal is as ________ Spain. a) hotter b) hot c) cooler d) colder 24) The cheetah is ________ the panther. a) more expensive b) important c) as wilder as d) as dangerous as 25) English isn't ________ French. a) as easier as b) as difficult as c) as wild as d) as younger as

Comparison of adjectives


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