School - A place where children come to learn, Bank - A place where look after people’s money, Court - A place where you can find a lawyer, Fire station - A place where firefighters work, Hospital - A place where sick people go to get medical treatment, dental clinic - A place where a dentist looks after people teeth, Pharmacy - A shop where sell medicines, Cinema - A place where people come to watch films, Gym - A place where you can go to exercise, Grocery - A place where you can buy food and small items, Shopping mall - A place where you can find lots of stores and restaurants, Restaurant - A place where meals are served to customer, Stadium - A place where sports are played, Gas station - A place where you can buy fuel and oil for your vehicles, Hotel - A building where you pay to stay in a room, Theater - A place where people can watch a perfomance, Airport - A place where planes arrive and leave, Museum - A place where you can go to see a historical objects, Park - A place with trees where people can walk and play, Zoo - A place where people go to see wild animal,

Place in town

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