1) Where is the verb in the sentence: Horace disturbed the burglas. a) Horace b) disturbed c) the d) burglas 2) Where is the verb in the sentence: My uncle is arriving tomorrow a) My b) uncle c) is d) arriving e) tomorrow 3) Where is the verb in the sentence: The candidates paraded themselves in front of us a) candidates b) paraded c) themselves d) in front e) the f) of us 4) Where is the subject in the sentence: The dog bit me a) The dog b) me c) bit 5) Where is the subject in the sentence: It makes me sick a) It b) makes c) me d) sick 6) Where is the subject in the sentence: The strange-looking man is my cousin a) The strange-looking man b) is c) my d) cousin 7) Where is the object in the sentence: I hate tennis a) I b) hate c) tennis 8) Where is the object in the sentence: I understand the whys and wherefores  a) I b) understand c) the whys d) wherefores e) the whys and wherefores 9) Where is the complement in the sentence: It's amazing  a) It's b) amazing 10) Where is the complement in the sentence: That smells good a) That b) smells c) good 11) Where is the complement in the sentence: The president remained totally convinced a) totally b) president c) remained d) president remained e) totally convinced f) convinced

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