Correct: Fact: Bears are all different colors and sizes., Opinion: Watching TV is the best after a long day., Fact: The sky is blue., Opinion: The iPad is the best apple product., Fact: Glasses help us see., Opinion: The quiz today is going to be so easy., Fact: The sun is a star., Opinion: Ms. Chinich should get a haircut., Fact: Sunscreen protects our skin from the sun., Opinion: This game was not fun., Incorrect: Fact: The cutest bears are brown., Opinion: There are many channels on a TV., Fact: The sky is prettiest in the morning., Opinion: Steve Jobs created Apple products., Fact: Larger eye glasses make us see better., Opinion: We have a quiz every Thursday., Fact: I think planets are so cool., Opinion: Ms. Riley has blonde hair., Fact: I like the smell of sunscreen., Opinion: This game was created to help us advance our knowledge in this skill.,

Fact OR Opinion


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