Business plan - a document used to outline plans for a business, setting out growth goals for the next three to five years., Balance sheet - details the company accounts at a certain point in time (often the end of the financial year)., Start-up - is used to describe a brand new business, typically in its first few months or years of trading., Forecast - predicts various aspects of a business’s future movement based on its current situation, Marketing - refers to the promotion of a product or service.., Human Resources - he part of a company that deals with matters relating to its employees., Recruitment - the process of hiring new employees., Brand - the term given to a company’s name and the recognisable attributes that go with that company., Public Relations - the role within a business devoted to communicating with the press., Minutes - notes taken during the meeting to record what was said, Office jargon - particular category of business-related vocabulary., Going forward - This is usually used to mean “from now on”., Blue sky thinking - another way of expressing the idea of “thinking outside the box”., Stakeholders - refer to anyone who’s involved in a particular project., Buy-in - This term refers to the idea of gaining acceptance for something.,

Popular Business English Terms.


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