1) Moses was abandoned: a) On a mountaintop b) In Pharao's palace c) In a basket in the river Nile 2) Wha does the name 'Moses' mean? a) Rescued from the water b) Rescued from the sea c) Rescued from the lake 3) Why did Moses run away into the desert? a) He killed a guard who was hitting a Hebrew slave b) Had an argument with his brother c) Stole some money 4) Moses was adopted by: a) a slave b) shepherds c) Pharao's daughter 5) Whilst tending to his sheep Moses saw: a) a burning bush b) an upside down tree c) a flower with golden petals 6) God told Moses: a) to live forever in the desert b) to live on Mount Sinai c) to go back to Egypt to rescue the people of Israel from slavery 7) What did Pharao reply to Moses' request to leave Egypt with all the people of Israel? a) He would have let them leave b) He would not let him leave but would give him a promotion c) He would not let him leave and would have increased the workload for the slaves 8) Whaty was the first plague? a) The river Nile flooded the land of Egypt b) The water of the river Nile turned red c) All Egyptians died 9) How did the waters of the Red Sea parted in front of Moses? a) Hee stretched his arm over the water holding a stuff b) He knelt down on the shore c) Hbowed his head in front of the water 10) What happenbed to Pharao's army when they tried to cross the Red Sea? a) They could not progress any further b) The waters closed over them and they all drowned c) The horses got scared and run away 11) What was Moses holding when he came down from Mount Sinai? a) A golden calf b) A silver ring c) The tablets of the 10 Commandments

Moses quiz

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