1) Example of Presentation Software a) Google Docs b) LibreOffice -> Writer c) Tux paint d) Google Slides 2) Presentation program developed by Microsoft a) Keynote b) Prezi  c) PowerPoint d) Impress 3) A file in Ms PowerPoint a) Presentation b) Document c) File d) Script 4) Function key to start the slide show a) b) c) d) 5) Shortcut key to end the slide show a) b) c) d) 6) Default slide layout a) Title Slide b) Title and Content c) Two Content d) Title Only 7) A PowerPoint file a) b) c) d) e) 8) Extension of PowerPoint file a) .powx b) .pptx c) .ppfx d) .pwrt

Intro to Powerpoint

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