get a degree - get a qualification for completing a university course, major in - to study the most important part of your course at a college or university , write a dissertation - to write a very long piece of writing done as part of a course of study, have a passion for something - to have a very strong feeling of liking something, to appel - to attract or interest someone, attend lectures - to go to a lecture, gifted - having a natural ability or being extremely intelligent, swot - someone who studies too much, disruptive - making sth stop continuing, get expelled - to be made to leave a school, organization, or country because of their behaviour, lenient - not severe, bully - someone who intentionally frightens a person who is smaller or weaker than them, fall behind - to not do something fast enough, or not do something by a particular time, scrape through - to succeed in something but with a lot of difficulty, settle down - to start to feel happy and confident with a new situation, give up on - to stop hoping that something will achieve what you want it to achieve, go into - to start to do a particular type of work, deepen your knowledge - to study and read a lot to know more about a subject, enrol on a course - to become or make someone become an official member of a course, self-disciplined - being able to make yourself do things that you do not want to do,

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