Complementary - Bases that pair with each other are..., Adenine - Base pair that matches thymine, Cytosine - Base pair that matches guanine, Three - The number of bases that code for one amino acid are called a..., mRNA - carries a copy of the genetic code from nucleus to ribosome where protein is assembled, Gene - A section of DNA that carries the code for a protein, Ribosome - The site of protein synthesis, Amino acid - Joined together to form a protein at the ribosome, Order of DNA bases - Determines the order of amino acids in a protein, Nucleus - Where the DNA is found in a cell., Deoxyribonucleic - What DNA stands for., chromosomes - DNA is stored coiled up in thread-like structures called, proteins - DNA contains the instructions to make..., double helix - DNA consists of two strands of nucleotides twisted around each other to form a shape called a, genetic code - The sequence of DNA bases is the...,

DNA and Protein Synthesis Quiz

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