You push your friend and they got hurt! How are they feeling?? - angry, You are screaming really loud in the classroom. What are your friends feeling?? - fear, You played a game with your friend and they lost. How is your friend feeling? - sad, You give your friend a compliment. How is your friend feeling? - happy, You give your friend a gift! How is your friend feeling? - excited, You throw your mom a surprise birthday party. How is she feeling? - surprised, You spill your chocolate milk on your friend in the cafeteria. How are they feeling? - embarrassed , You take off your shoes and your feet smell. How are the people sitting around you feeling? - disgust, You and your friend are making funny faces at each other. How is your friend feeling? - silly, Free Space - Free Space,

Bảng xếp hạng

Lật quân cờ là một mẫu kết thúc mở. Mẫu này không tạo điểm số cho bảng xếp hạng.

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