I wanted to help people ____ I became a nurse. I went to the doctor ____ I felt sick. I liked travelling ____ I became a pilot. I went to University ____ get a Master's degree. I phoned my friend ____ invite her to a party. I cycled to work ____ I couldn't drive. I bought an iPod ____ I love listening to music. I felt sick ____ I went to the doctor. I became a pilot ____ I liked travelling. I became a nurse ____ I wanted to help people. I had to study for an exam ____ I couldn't go to the party. My car wouldn't start ____ I took the bus. I wanted to get a Master's degree ____ I could get a better job. He was pretending to be a doctor ____ he was arrested. He was arrested ____ he was pretending to be a doctor. He had a photographic memory ____ he didn't need to study much. I stopped smoking ____ feel better and save money. I gave up smoking ____ it's really bad for your health. I started to cough a lot in the mornings ____ I decided to give up smoking. She didn't have many friends at school ____she spent a lot of time in hospital.

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