A study that began in 1986 established a ____ between the behavior of parents and the success of their children. The research ____ in this study were the families of 129 children living in poverty in Jamaica. There were two ____ groups, and each group received a different treatment. In one, the children ____ extra food and milk. In the other, the families received visits from an expert in early childhood ____, who encouraged the parents to spend more time engaged with their children: reading books, singing songs, or simply playing. A third set of families, the ____ group, received no treatment. The experiment lasted for two years, but the researchers who ____ the study continued to follow the children. The researchers found that the ____ that made the most difference in the children's lives was early parental interaction. As they were growing up, the children in this group ____ more positive behavior and had higher IQ scores than the children in the other groups. As adults, they earned 25% more than the other participants in the study. The researchers ____ that their results have clear ____. To ensure the future success of children living in poverty, parents must be ____ about the importance of parent-child interaction.


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