1) She's the sort of person who always looks at herself in every mirror she passes. a) reserved  b) self-confident c) stubborn d) well-balanced e) vain f) wise 2) She's the sort of person who takes care to do things carefully and correctly. a) bad-tempered  b) calm c) cheerful d) conscientious e) easy-going f) eccentric 3) She's the sort of person who is prepared to accept new and different ideas. a) insecure  b) insincere c) loyal d) open-minded e) optimistic f) possessive 4) She's the sort of person who says things that she doesn't really mean. a) insecure  b) insincere c) loyal d) open-minded e) optimistic f) possessive 5) She's the sort of person who other people often find different or unusual. a) conscientious  b) easy-going c) eccentric d) funny e) immature f) impulsive 6) She's the sort of person who is fairly relaxed about most things. a) conscientious  b) easy-going c) eccentric d) funny e) immature f) impulsive 7) She's the sort of person who never changes her opinion even when she's clearly wrong. a) optimistic  b) possessive  c) reserved d) self-confident e) stubborn f) well-balanced 8) She's the sort of person who expresses her ideas or opinions with confidence. a) ambitious  b) arrogant c) assertive d) bad-tempered e) calm f) cheerful 9) She's the sort of person who is always in a good mood. a) cheerful  b) conscientious c) easy-going d) eccentric e) funny f) immature 10) She's the sort of person who feels sure about her ability to do things. a) loyal  b) open-minded c) optimistic d) possessive e) reserved f) self-confident 11) She's the sort of person who isn't very sure about herself. a) funny  b) immature c) impulsive d) insecure e) insincere f) loyal 12) She's the sort of person who is determined to be successful. a) ambitious  b) arrogant c) assertive d) bad-tempered e) calm f) cheerful 13) He's good at supporting his friends. a) funny  b) immature c) impulsive d) insecure e) insincere f) loyal 14) He's good at giving people advice because of his knowledge and experience. a) reserved  b) self-confident c) stubborn d) well-balanced e) vain f) wise 15) He's good at keeping his head in a crisis. a) reserved  b) self-confident c) stubborn d) well-balanced e) calm f) wise 16) She's not very good at letting other people share her friends. a) insecure  b) insincere c) loyal d) open-minded e) optimistic f) possessive 17) She's not very good at showing her feelings or expressing her opinions.  a) insincere  b) loyal c) open-minded d) optimistic e) possessive f) reserved 18) He tends to behave like a child. a) easy-going b) eccentric  c) funny d) immature e) impulsive f) insecure 19) He tends to act without thinking. a) easy-going b) eccentric c) funny d) immature e) impulsive f) insecure 20) He tends to get angry very easily. a) ambitious  b) arrogant c) assertive d) bad-tempered e) calm f) cheerful 21) He tends to think he is better and more important than other people. a) ambitious  b) arrogant c) assertive d) bad-tempered e) calm f) cheerful 22) He tends to expect good things will happen. a) insincere  b) loyal c) open-minded d) optimistic e) possessive f) reserved 23) She has (got) a great sense of humour. a) easy-going b) eccentric c) funny d) immature e) impulsive f) insecure

Adjectives of personality


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