Say a greeting in Spanish, Say a farewell in Spanish, Say a word ending in -ible or -able in Spanish, Say how you are feeling in Spanish: Estoy..., Say three numbers in Spanish, Say how old you are in Spanish: "I am ___ years old", Say your date of birth in Spanish: Mi cumpleaños es el ___ de _________", Say where you live (country) Spanish:  Vivo en...., Say what sort of accommodation you live in, in Spanish: Vivo en..., Say where you would like to live in Spanish: Quiero vivir en..., Ask a question in Spanish, Say what you are called in Spanish: Me llamo..., Use porque in a sentence, Say a word ending in -ante or -ente in Spanish, Say 2 words related to Día de los Muertos in Spanish, Ask somebody where they are from: ¿De dónde eres?, Say where you are from: Soy de..., Say where your mother and father are from: Mi madre es de... Mi padre es de..., Ask someone how they are feeling in Spanish: ¿Cómo estás? ¿Qué tal?, Ask someone their name: ¿Cómo te llamas?, Name 3 Spanish speaking countries., Ask someone where they would like to live in Spanish: ¿Dónde quieres vivir?, Say how many brothers/ sisters you have: Tengo..., Ask someone if they have brothers and sisters: ¿Tienes hermanos?, Introduce your parents: Me madre se llama.... mi padre se llama..., Say if you have aunties or uncles and their names: tengo ... tias y ... tios. Se llaman..., Say three things you like to do: Me gusta...., .... y ....., Ask someone what they like to do: ¿Qué te gusta hacer?, Ask someone what they like more out of 2 activities: ¿Qué te gusta más, .... o .... ?, Say something you don't like to do: A mí no me gusta ...., Say your favourite sport: Mi deporte favorito/ preferido es.... porque, Ask someone what their favourite sport is: ¿Cuál es tu deporte favorito/ preferido?, Ask someone what the time is: ¿Qué..., Say what time it is: Es/ son las ...., Say 3 days of the week.


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