must - to express firm necessity, rules or instructions, must (not) - to express prohibition or no permission, have to - to express forced circumstances or necessary things, can / cannot - to express ability, permission or offer, could (not) - to express ability in past, permission or request, may (not) - to express possibility, permission, might (not) - to express slight possibility, will (not) - to express a future action, would (not) - to express an imaginary situation, offer or habit of the past, should (not) - to express advice, opinion or something to happen, ought to - to express moral duty, advice or recommendation, shall - to express intention or supposition with 'I' or 'we', need to - to express (un)necessity , had to - to express obligation in past,

Tauler de classificació

Emparellar és una plantilla de final obert. No genera puntuacions per a una taula de classificació.

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