1) What is simple past tense of verb EAT? a) EATED b) ATE c) EATEN d) EATD 2) What is simple past tense of verb COOK? a) COOK b) COOKING c) COOKED d) COOKIED 3) What is simple past tense of verb DRINK? a) DRINKED b) DRANKED c) DRINK d) DRANK 4) Which of these sentences is correct? a) My brother goed to school yesterday b) My brother went to school yesterday. c) My brother goes to school yesterday. 5) Which of these sentences is correct? a) My mom and dad didn´t live in Barranquilla 11 years ago.  b) My mom and dad doesn´t live in Barranquilla 11 years ago. c) My mom and dad don´t live in Barranquilla 11 years ago. 6) What is simple past tense of verb SEE? a) SEED b) SAW c) SEEING d) SAWED 7) What is simple past tense of verb TRAVEL? a) TRAVELLED b) TRAVELING c) TRAVOLD d) TRAVELED 8) What is simple past tense of verb STOP? a) STOPED b) STOPPED c) STAP d) STOP 9) WROTE IS THE SIMPLE PAST VERB OF ... a) SWAM b) WRITE c) SAW d) SWIM




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