Examples from our community
5,777 results for 'advanced'
Advanced reflexive
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Personality Idioms Advanced
Open the box
Expressions with Get. Speaking practice (dinner parties)
Spin the wheel
Idioms with Get (EF Advanced)
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Similes EF Advanced (presentation).
Complete the sentence
Travel and tourism (adjectives) EF Advanced - find the match
Find the match
Idioms about money
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Personality: adjectives + idioms
Speaking cards
Participle Clauses
Complete the sentence
Synonyms - Feelings-Advanced
Matching pairs
Life advanced 1c
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English File Advanced 1B Work
Speaking cards
EF Advanced 1A Personality
Complete the sentence
Conflict and warfare - discussion
Spin the wheel
* Cleft sentences (EF Advanced)
Flash cards
Oxford Word Skills Advanced Unit 15
Spin the wheel
HS2 Appearance
Find the match
Discourse markers (2) - part 1
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Describing a story Advanced EF 4A
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English learning experiences
Speaking cards
Expressions with get. English file
Speaking cards
Unit 1 Cities vocabulary revision
Speaking cards
Solutions Advanced Unit 3a Feelings
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Unit 3_Cleft Sentences
Open the box
Friendship idioms
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Questions for discussion. Unit 2
Spin the wheel
Outc Adv Unit 2 p.16 ex.3
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Reporting structures
Gameshow quiz
Unit 2. Discussion
Spin the wheel
Habits C1
Speaking cards
Paraphrasing Advanced
Flash cards
Outcomes UpperI p 9 ex 6
Complete the sentence
EF Advanced (4th) 6B Conditionals - speaking
Speaking cards
describing books
Match up
Reporting verbs
Open the box
Questions about sounds. EF advanced 4A
Speaking cards
Continue the story with a linker. English File 1B
Speaking cards
Sounds 1. English file advanced 4A
Speaking cards
Inversion (production)
Spin the wheel
Decisions (SO)
Match up
Leisure time discussion (adv)
Open the box
Tj Elem (Hot Spot 2) - character opposites
Matching pairs
How often?
Questions with adjectives + prepositions
Flash cards
* Ellipsis and substitution (SO TB)
Spin the wheel