Present Simple Continuous
Examples from our community
10,000+ results for 'present simple continuous'
Interview Present Continuous & present Simple
Speaking cards
Present Simple vs Present Continuous
Drill Present Simple vs Present Continuous
Speaking cards
Present Simple or Present Continuous
Open the box
Spotlight 4 Present Simple/Continuous
Complete the sentence
Present Simple (s-forms driller)
Speaking cards
Present Simple or Present Continuous
Speaking cards
Present simple and present continuous (Right or wrong?)
True or false
9B_Present Continuous & present Simple
Speaking cards
Present Simple / Present Continuous - Jobs
Speaking cards
Present Simple or Present Continuous
Open the box
Interview Present Continuous & present Simple
Speaking cards
Usually but today
Speaking cards
Present Continuous/Present Simple for kids
Group sort
Spotlight 3, 4 Present Simple or Present Continuous
Complete the sentence
present simple fill out a word
Complete the sentence
Present Simple - Present Continuous Questions
Speaking cards
Interview questions in Present Simple and Present Continuous
Speaking cards
present simple vs continuous interview
Spin the wheel
Usually they do, but today they are doing
Speaking cards
#5 Present Simple Continuous +/-/?
Pr S/C always/now +/-/? + Verbs
Speaking cards
Present Simple vs Present Continuous
Complete the sentence
Present Times. Verb forms
Group sort
Interview (30 questions)
Speaking cards
check yourself
Speaking cards
Tenses Quiz
Answer questions (Present Simple or Continuous) EF inter 1A
Speaking cards
Game Present simple Present continuous
Open the box
Present Simple, Present Continuous, Past Simple
Speaking cards
Football Tenses
EO1. Present Simple vs Present Continuous
Speaking cards
EO1. Present Simple and Present Continuous
Flip tiles
Назови грамматическое время
Speaking cards
Pr.Simple, Pr.Continuous questions
Open the box
FH4 Present Simple and Present Continuous questions
Spin the wheel
EF beginner 9B Usually she does..., but today she's doing...
Speaking cards
Stative verbs
Speaking cards
AS3 U1 L4 PrS_PrC 2
Group sort