Zero conditional
Examples from our community
4,026 results for 'zero conditional'
Zero conditional
Open the box
Zero conditional
Match up
Zero Conditional
Match up
Zero Conditional
Spin the wheel
Zero Conditional
Spin the wheel
zero conditional
Spin the wheel
Zero conditional
Zero conditional
Match up
Zero conditional
Gameshow quiz
Zero Conditional
Zero/First Conditional Practice
Spin the wheel
Zero or First conditional
Speaking cards
Zero Conditional (Type 0).
Zero&First conditional questions
Spin the wheel
random cards zero conditional
Speaking cards
Zero and First Conditional
Match up
Zero or First conditional
Speaking cards
Zero conditional
Zero conditional
Zero conditional
Match up
Zero conditional
Open the box
I wish/If only+Past perfect
Spin the wheel
Zero and First Conditional (speaking)
Open the box
Solutions PI 4H zero conditional
Spin the wheel
Zero vs first conditional sentences
Group sort
Solutions PI 4H Zero Conditional
Match up
Zero, First or Second Conditional
Group sort
KM Zero Conditional
Gameshow quiz
Zero conditional questions
Spin the wheel
Speaking: Zero, First and Second Conditional
Spin the wheel
AS4 Unit 9 Zero Conditional
Conditional zero (what happens if)
Open the box
zero conditional - finish a sentence
Open the box
Zero, First and Second Conditional
Flash cards
0, 1 and 2 conditionals + time clauses
Speaking cards
Zero and First Conditional Questions
Speaking cards
Zero Conditional
Spin the wheel
Zero conditional
Zero conditional
Match up
zero conditional
Zero Conditional
Match up
Zero Conditional Unjumble
1st Conditional
Speaking cards
Imaginary situation
Open the box
If we didn't have...
Spin the wheel
I wish ...
Speaking cards
If only ...
Speaking cards
2nd conditional
Speaking cards
I think you'd (based on English File 4th Edition)
Spin the wheel
3rd Conditional
Speaking cards
First Conditional - Options - Gaps
Complete the sentence
Zero conditional - Always true
Match up
zero conditional make sentences
Flip tiles
Zero conditional 16 questions
Open the box
Prepare 4 Un 16 Zero conditional