
9 11 time zones

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Time Zones 1 - U5 - Adverbs of frequency (%)
Time Zones 1 - U5 - Adverbs of frequency (%) Apparier
Tell the time
Tell the time Apparier
Time Zones 1 - U4 Family - immediate or extended family
Time Zones 1 - U4 Family - immediate or extended family Trier par groupe
tell, say
tell, say Trier par groupe
KB 4 Unit 8 Party time memo
KB 4 Unit 8 Party time memo Des paires
KB 4 Unit 7 prepositions matching
KB 4 Unit 7 prepositions matching Trouver la correspondance
Impact 0 - Unit 0 - p. 18 ex. 2 - Choose the correct pronouns
Impact 0 - Unit 0 - p. 18 ex. 2 - Choose the correct pronouns Complétez la phrase
U-11 Vocab: Places
U-11 Vocab: Places Quiz
Present Continuous, questions
Present Continuous, questions Démêler
Pos + ing|to
Pos + ing|to Complétez la phrase
I wish / if only
I wish / if only Apparier
Halloween quiz
Halloween quiz Quiz
U-13 Vocab: Illnesses
U-13 Vocab: Illnesses Trouver la correspondance
 Weather unscramble (Kid's Box 3) with pictures
Weather unscramble (Kid's Box 3) with pictures Anagramme
Hot Spot 2 Gulliver in Lilliput vocabulary
Hot Spot 2 Gulliver in Lilliput vocabulary Trouver la correspondance
enjoy|like|love|want Complétez la phrase
Present Perfect, Past Simple, Past Perfect
Present Perfect, Past Simple, Past Perfect Quiz
Passive Voice
Passive Voice Complétez la phrase
U-12 Vocab: Technology
U-12 Vocab: Technology Apparier
Sports TZ1 U1 L2
Sports TZ1 U1 L2 Pendu
Break Complétez la phrase
sm2 activities unit 8
sm2 activities unit 8 Apparier
Spotlight 3 Module 8 16a Telling the time Pt.1
Spotlight 3 Module 8 16a Telling the time Pt.1 Quiz
Days of week
Days of week Anagramme
Spotlight 3 Module 8 16a Telling the time with a.m./p.m. Pt.1
Spotlight 3 Module 8 16a Telling the time with a.m./p.m. Pt.1 Quiz
Present Perfect & Present Perfect Continuous
Present Perfect & Present Perfect Continuous Quiz
Present Simple or Present Continuous #5
Present Simple or Present Continuous #5 Quiz
Time- clock: a quarter past
Time- clock: a quarter past Roue aléatoire
Time Apparier
Infinitive/-ing form
Infinitive/-ing form Quiz
Spotlight 3 Module 8 16a Telling the time Pt.3
Spotlight 3 Module 8 16a Telling the time Pt.3 Quiz
Quarter past (time)
Quarter past (time) Trouver la correspondance
Present Perfect or Present Perfect Continuous
Present Perfect or Present Perfect Continuous Quiz
Present Simple or Continuous (stative verbs) #6
Present Simple or Continuous (stative verbs) #6 Quiz
Phrasal Verbs Spotlight 7, Module 1
Phrasal Verbs Spotlight 7, Module 1 Quiz
Present Simple or Present Continuous
Present Simple or Present Continuous Quiz
Months, time, seasons
Months, time, seasons Complétez la phrase
Spotlight 3 Module 8 16a Telling the time Pt.2
Spotlight 3 Module 8 16a Telling the time Pt.2 Quiz
U-3: Musical instruments
U-3: Musical instruments Trouver la correspondance
Past Simple
Past Simple Quiz
U-3 Music phrases
U-3 Music phrases Complétez la phrase
Colours (reading)
Colours (reading) Trouver la correspondance
U-12: Vocab: Technology 2
U-12: Vocab: Technology 2 Complétez la phrase
Gram: every, some, no, any
Gram: every, some, no, any Quiz
U-3: Types of music
U-3: Types of music Anagramme
U-3 Music Phrases Vocab
U-3 Music Phrases Vocab Démêler
denn - Fragenrunde
denn - Fragenrunde Cartes aléatoires
Telling time Unit 11
Telling time Unit 11 Roue aléatoire
9  класс Кузовлев unit 3 lesson 1
9 класс Кузовлев unit 3 lesson 1 Diagramme étiqueté
Easy Steps 1_Lesson 11
Easy Steps 1_Lesson 11 Trouver la correspondance
Sources of energy
Sources of energy Cartes aléatoires
Restauration auto-sauvegardé :  ?