1) ... she had prepared for her exam, she failed it in the end.  a) therefore b) although c) in spite of d) moreover 2) ..., you should ask for your parents' permission first. a) In my opinion  b) for example c) that's because d) however 3) Ann is usually really nice to us. ... , today she is being rather annoyed. a) what is more b) although c) however d) such as 4) It's really challenging. ..., it takes some effort to do. a) on one hand b) on the other hand c) in other words d) for instance 5) They've presented several devices on the conference ... smartphones, laptops, etc. a) such as b) what I mean is c) nevertheless d) however 6) Jess often tells a lie. ..., she can betray you easily.  a) nevertheless b) moreover c) as I see it d) that's because 7) A lot of people are moving abroad nowadays. ..., some people still prefer to stay in their motherland.  a) what is more b) not only that c) therefore d) on the other hand 8) ... do we have to clean the floor, but we also have to clean the windows.  a) what I mean is b) on one hand c) not only d) in other words

Linking words (solutions pre, unit 5)



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