1) I'd like to work ... an international company. a) for b) in c) at 2) My mum doesn't work ... a shop. a) in b) at c) on 3) I'm good at working ... children. a) for b) on c) with 4) Do you want to work ... your hand? a) with b) on c) in 5) My dad usually works ... small teams. a) at b) in c) with 6) We work ... home three days a week. a) in b) for c) from 7) Students often have ... job at the weekends. a) full-time b) part-time c) long hours 8) Why do think that you job is ...? a) hospital b) children c) badly-paid 9) Vet ... with animals of different sizes. a) work b) job c) live 10) Who wants to ... on that project? a) job b) work c) walk

Focus 1 Unit 3.1


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