-: Continents , Names of continents "northern, central, minor, south-west..", countries, states, cities, villages, separate mountains and hills, separate islands, lakes, bays, waterfalls, peninsulas (peninsula isn`t mentioned), capes, THE: __ African continent, __ Arctic, __ Antarctic , geogr. names having the plural form, places with nouns republic, state, union, federation, kingdom, __ Hague, in __ south of England, __ Mount of olives, __ isle of Man, __ isle of Wight, __ Great Salt Lake, __ Lake of Geneva, __ Great American Lakes, if the word lake is not mentioned , __ Bay of Biscay, __ Bay of Fundy , __  Balkan peninsula, __ Hindustan peninsula (peninsula is mentioned), rivers, canals, streams, oceans, seas, mountain and hill ranges , a limiting attribute , groups of islands, deserts , provinces ,

Geographical names



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