1) In which subject do you sing or dance? a) Music b) Art c) Maths d) Science e) Spanish f) PE 2) In which subject do you use + and -? a) History b) Religion c) Maths d) Geography e) Biology f) English 3) In which subject do you do sports like basquetball or football?? a) Informatic b) Catalan c) Music d) PE e) Spanish f) Religion 4) In which subject do you learn about Jesus? a) Religion b) Science c) Art d) Geography e) Informatic f) PE 5) In which subject do you use a computer? a) Maths b) History c) PE d) Religion e) Informatic f) Art 6) In which subject do you paint and draw? a) Geography b) Religion c) Art d) Science e) Music f) PE 7) In which subject do you learn about the countries of the world? a) Maths b) Spanish c) Catalan d) Geography e) PE f) Art

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