Make sentence with “ the most modern”, Make sentence with "expensive", Name 3 school subjects that you don’t like, Make sentence with “ need” “ a little” ?, Which is the hottest planet?, Make sentence with “ learn” in Past Form, Where did prehistoric people eat?, Make sentence with “need” , “ a few”, Name 3 prehistoric animals, What can you pour? And chop?, What are blenders used for?, You can ask your friend a question “ What machines do you home at home?”, What do you do well and badly, quickly and slow?, Choose a friend who will tell a tongue twister and jump, Name 4 thinngs made of plastic, I - name, animal, place, Which is the furthest planet from the Sun?, O - food, animal, preposition, What is fridge used for?, What are your favorite TV programmes ? Name 3, If it's wet, we can......, What did you do last weekend?, What ingredients do you need to cook cake ? , Name 4 black objects in your friends room , Show animal , Which animal is the heaviest/ the most intelligent?, What was your friend like when he/she was young?, What objects have you got in the kitchen ?, Which is the hottest place you know ?, What did prehistoric people wear?, Make sentence with “can” in past form, What’s the most expensive thing that you know?, Name 3 things that are made of silver, What did you write yesterday?, L -place, film, flower.
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