1) Already happened? a) yelling b) printed 2) Happening now? a) talking b) clapped 3) A person who does it? a) reading b) singer 4) More than one? a) baker b) boxes 5) More than one? a) stamps b) playing 6) The most? a) milder b) mildest 7) More? a) colder b) coldest 8) What is the base word of "flosses"? a) flos b) floss 9) What is the base word of "golfer"? a) golf b) golfe 10) Less than? a) selfless b) selfish 11) Sort of? a) milder b) childish 12) Full of? a) distrustful b) distrusting

Suffixes s, ed, ing, est, er, es


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