Newtons second law - F=ma, Newtons third law - for every action force there is a reaction force, units for acceleration - ms-2, units for Force - N, acceleration - rate of change of speed, size of gravitational field on Earth - 10 (9.8) Nkg-1, Weight - effect of gravity on a mass and measured in Newtons , mass - amount of matter an object is made of and measured in kg, size of net force when forces are balanced - zero, effect of an unblaanced force on an object - the oject will change its speed (accelerate) if forces are unbalanced , equation for weight force - F=mg ( or F=ma), an object travelling at a constant speed  - all forces are balanced , terminal velocity - maximum speed reached where air resistance is equal to weight force  , thrust - driving force /applied force, examples of non contact forces definition of a force  - electrical gravitational magnetic, Newtons first law - an object at rest stays at rest and object in motion stays at a constant speed and direction unless an unbalanced force acts upon it, tension  - pull force eg from a rope , net force - overall or resultant force acting on an object,


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