Ulaging - This folk epic song from Maguindanao tells the story of a prince who fell in love with a moon goddess who came to earth every Friday., Kapmotantang - This song conveys the Maranao matarabat or pride. The song talks about revenge against anyone who does him wrong., Kapematatar - This song is based on the Maranao value of equality in social status for marriage and sex partnership., Monophonic - It is usually sung with a single melody., Melismatic - It means many notes are sung in one syllable., Subanon - This is the biggest group of Lumads in Zamboanga peninsula., Manobo - This ethnic group uses their armpits to create rhythmic sounds while singing., Gabaq-an - This song talks about man’s abuse of nature., Agung - Musical instrument consisting of two wide-brimmed, kette-shaped gongs played with light padded sticks., Kulintang - Musical instrument consisting of eight gongs placed in a row played with 2 wooden sticks., Dabakan - An hour-glass, conical, or goblet shaped wooden drum covered with animal skin it is played using 2 wooden sticks., Babandil - A small suspended gong played on its rim with a wooden stick., Gandingan - Known as the “talking gongs” consisting of four suspended gongs with narrow rims. It is played with light padded mallets., Palabunibunyan - It is an ensemble of loud instruments, majority of which are gongs with the boss. It is used for the merrymaking of the people of Mindanao specifically in Maguindanao and is therefore not played during the occurrences of death, calamities, and in the fasting month of Ramadan.,




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