Poprawnie: leaves , play the keyboard, write a story, mice , Can I have an apple, please? , He is wearing blue jeans, She plays the guitar, David collects postcards, I am baking cookies now, She doesn't watch TV every day , Does he like hiking? Yes, he does , A giraffe is the tallest animal, A doctor helps ill people , What would you like to do on Monday? , I'd like to go horse riding , February is shorter than January, May, June, July, August, September , I haven't got my watch, She has got very good marks , What are you doing tomorrow? , There are a lot of lakes and forests , Niepoprawnie: leafs, play keyboard , ride a story , mouses , Can I have a apple, please? , He is wearing a blue jeans , She play the guitar , David collect postcards , I am bake cookies now, She don't watch TV every day , Do he like hiking? Yes, he do , A giraffe is the taller animal , A doctor help ill people , What would you like to do in Monday?, I like to go horse riding , February is longer than January , May, July, June, September, August , I hasn't got my watch, She have got very good marks , What is you doing tomorrow? , There is a lot of lakes and forests ,


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